List your ham radio and related items for sale, or post requests for items you want.
Alpha Delta DELTA-4 coax switches
Sold one, now QTY 3 - Alpha Delta DELTA-4, 4 position coax switches on aluminum plate. All work like new.…
Total views: 8
Price: $30.00
Total views: 8
Price: $30.00
J-44 straight key. Very similar to the J-38. Works great. Call Jim / KVØJ at 720-999-5833
Total views: 5
Price: $10.00
Total views: 5
Price: $10.00
Logikey K-3 electronic keyer
Logikey K-3 keyer with 6 programmable memories. The speed range is also programmable; you can set the min and max…
Total views: 5
Price: $15.00
Total views: 5
Price: $15.00
Yaesu FT-8800 dual band VHF/UHF transceiver
Yaesu FT-8800 VHF/UHF FM transceiver with mic, Astron SS-30M 30 Amp switching power supply, ADMS programming software and programming cable,…
Total views: 9
Price: $130.00
Total views: 9
Price: $130.00
Yaesu G-800DXA rotator
Yaesu G-800DXA rotator (motor and control head) with at least 50' of cable, plus two Polyphaser IS-RCT protectors. Works like…
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Price: $100.00
Total views: 5
Price: $100.00
Cushcraft dual band yagi
Cushcraft VHF/UHF dual band Yagi with instuction booklet. 5 elements on each band. Great shape. Call Jim / KVØJ at…
Total views: 5
Price: $10.00
Total views: 5
Price: $10.00
estate sale of radios
My husband passed away and I have all his han radio equipment. Please I need help to get rid of…
Total views: 6
Price: $300.00
Total views: 6
Price: $300.00
Telescopic antenna mast
Telescopic antenna mast, good for field day or whatever. Approximately 30' tall.
Total views: 9
Price: $10.00
Total views: 9
Price: $10.00
Mosley MP-33N WARC yagi
Mosley MP-33N WARC Yagi. 3 elements on 10, 15, and 20 meters, and a second driven element which is a…
Total views: 10
Price: $20.00
Total views: 10
Price: $20.00
Vibroplex Vibrokeyer Standard single lever paddle w/ cord and 1/4" plug
Vibroplex Vibrokeyer Standard single lever paddle w/ cord and 1/4" plug Lightly used [email protected] Pick up in Arvada Thanks, Jim…
Total views: 70
Price: $85.00
Total views: 70
Price: $85.00