The Mountain States Radio Association of Denver was the forerunner of the The Denver Radio Club, Inc. The first election of officers was held on January 19, 1917.
The first President was Donald L. Clark, 9ADH. Colorado was the part of District 9, and, at that time, there was no assigned prefix to the calls.
It was during World War II that a group organized the Denver Radio Club, with Bob White, W0PDA (SK), as president and Walt Reed, W0WRO (SK) as Vice President. The first meeting was held in an old carriage barn in north Denver. Early locations for meetings were: basement of Radio Products Sales, West High School, at the Public Service Company at 3rd and Lipan, and at the Denver Federal Center. Later places were at the National Guard Armory, Clayton College, Sportland, Colorado General Hospital, Denver University Campus, and at the Mile-Hi Red Cross when it was at 2nd and Steel.
In 1959, Walt and Bob prepared a DRC Club history covering the period prior to WWII, through the war years, and into post-war rejuvenation. Unfortunately, the records of this bit of history were lost in the 1965 flood when Chet Peterson’s, K0FXE (SK), print shop materials went down the South Platte river.
The Round Table was originally a mimeographed 8×11 sheet and took its present format (with some variations) as club publication in 1956, by the then printer, John Cox, K0RRS (SK).
The DRC is a general interest club, affiliated with the ARRL, and welcomes all persons interested in amateur radio to join in our activities.

The club logo was originated by Miriam Juza, xyl of Marvin, W6FGD (SK), ex W0FYY. Miriam was looking for something to put on Marv’s letterheads, and as a surprise for him, she drew “Sparky”. Possibly in 1956, during the presidency of Carl Smith, W0BWJ (SK), permission was given to the club for its use as that was the year it first appeared on the clubs publication The Round Table. The original design of Sparky riding a lightning bolt, and holding a code key, has not been changed – but other alterations have been made in past years, namely the addition of “Denver Radio Club” encircling him and a coat of arms by Roy Raney, K0OVQ (SK).