Easy to Build Inexpensive “Snooper” Probe for Detecting and Solving Stray RF on Your Coax and in Your Shack
Includes a revealing little-known new view of baluns. You may be surprised to learn, in this inside look, that baluns don’t only belong at the antenna.
Please go to https://w0tx.org/meet or https://meet.google.com/bsq-zrpv-jpj/, both links go to same place, for our live google meet to chat. Also streaming on https://youtube.com/denverradioclub.
The pre-meeting Elmer session and meeting is scheduled for the third Wednesday of the month at the same time each month. This month 3/19/25, 1800-1845 (local U.S. Mountain Time) for the elmer session, then the Main Program is from 1900 to the end of the meeting.
More about John:
John Portune W6NBC
Licensed Advanced WB6ZCT 1965
Extra 1972
Commercial Licenses: GROL, General Radio Telegraph
Bachelor’s degree, Physics, Oregon State University 1960
Career (Retired) Television broadcast engineer/instructor
KNBC Ch 4 Los Angeles, Sony Broadcast San Francisco
Ham magazine author: QST/OTA (over 35 to date) and others
Frequent Zoom live radio club and ham expo presentations
Active on HF, VHF, UHF – SSB, FM, digital modes and ham satellites
Native of Los Angeles, CA
10 yr. resident of UK. Ham license MØGCK
Married KF6OEB. 3 children, 12 grandchildren
Steam railroading, pipe organ and sushi enthusiast
[email protected], website: w6nbc.com
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