Meeting presentation will begin at 6 PM on February 19th!
To accommodate our presenter for the upcoming meeting on February 19th we need to preempt our usual 6 PM activity and start the program at 6 PM instead of 7 PM.
What: Challenger Halfwave Antenna by Greg Mihran – KJ6ER
(02/19/25): Greg Mihran, KJ6ER PERformer, Challenger and Dominator portable antennas for POTA, SOTA, Emergency Communications and HOA Deployments.

The (DRC) meeting on (02/19/25), will feature a presentation by Greg Mihran, KJ6ER, on his highly efficient homebrew portable antennas he has used for POTA (Parks On The Air) activations over the past few years. His antennas are also ideal for emergency communications as well as quick deployment HOA antennas. He always shares his antenna plans for free in PDF-format with the worldwide amateur radio community.
His most popular antenna is the PERformer (Portable, Efficient, Resonant) elevated quarterwave vertical for 40M-6M leveraging a 17’ telescoping whip with two elevated tuned radials 90 degrees apart for some directivity and gain. This portable antenna, with radiation efficiency over 90%, has been in the field for more than five years and is used by thousands of portable antenna enthusiasts around the world for excellent regional and continental communications.
His Challenger off-center fed halfwave omnidirectional vertical for 20M-6M leverages a 25’ or 17’ telescoping whip and a 4:1 unun on a tripod with a single linked counterpoise. This portable antenna, with efficiency over 94%, is his newest portable antenna and is an excellent antenna for both continental and global communications.
His Dominator end-fed halfwave omnidirectional vertical for 17M-10M leverages a 25’ or 17’ telescoping whip and 49:1 or 56:1 transformer on a tripod with a single linked counterpoise. This portable antenna, with efficiency over 90%, has been in the field for more than two years and is an excellent portable DX antenna for global communications on the upper bands.
He has also created a Dominator Vertical Beam with a parasitic director in front of the driven element for a portable 2-element beam for 17M-10M providing up to 4 dBi forward gain and a 9 dB front-to-back ratio.
Greg, an Extra-class amateur radio operator based in Campbell, CA, has been operating HF/UHF/VHF since 1987. He has been especially active since retiring in 2022 after a 45-year career in Silicon Valley technology companies.
Presentation PDF
More about Greg:
Please go to or, both links go to same place, for our live google meet to chat. Also streaming on
The pre-meeting Elmer session and meeting is scheduled for the third Wednesday of the month at the same time each month. This month 2/19/25, 1800-1845 (local U.S. Mountain Time), then the Main Program is from 1900 to the end of the meeting.
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