DRC Meeting July 17th – To be announced

Presentation Topic: TBA
Presented By: TBA

The pre-meeting Elmer session is 18:00-18:45 (local U.S. Mountain Time), then the Main Program starts 19:00 for about an hour.

w0tx.org/meet or meet.google.com/bsq-zrpv-jpj or youtube.com/denverradioclub

Or dial: ‪(US) 442-600-4594‬ PIN: ‪616 926 296‬#

More phone numbers

NOTE: Please mute your phone by entering *6

We are always looking for ideas or presenters.
If you have topic suggestion or presenters that you would like to see or if you would like to present on an interesting topic, please get in contact with DRC at w0tx.org/contact-us/.

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