The Denver Radio Club supports the cities of Lakewood and Wheat Ridge, as served agencies, with their annual emergency siren tests.  These events are run by one of the club’s net controllers.

The Lakewood Siren Test IS scheduled for June 5th, 2024.  This date is contingent on required hardware and software arrival, installation, and programming updates in a timely fashion to facilitate the test date.  Lakewood city officials are aware of the issues and will keep the club updated on progress.  Since Wheat Ridge also relies on the same infrastructure updates, they have not scheduled a date.

As the date approaches, a club member will reach out by phone to those who have previously worked and will have priority on working their same site as in the past. Typically, one arrives at their assigned site by 10:30 a.m. and the test starts at 11:00.  Food and refreshments are provided afterwards. If you are new and interested in working a test, or haven’t worked in a while, please complete the form below.  Your help is always greatly appreciated.



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