Presentation Topic: Geochron
Presented By: Patrick Bolan – KJ7ZSU

The pre-meeting Elmer session is 18:00-18:45 (local U.S. Mountain Time), then the Main Program starts 19:00 for about an hour.

“I saw a Geochron somewhere around 2003, and never forgot it.  Ten years later, I bought a used one for my home but it was broken.  I drove it a mile to Geochron’s shop, and had it restored.  I met the owners, and felt like it was ‘waypoint’ in my life.  I didn’t have much money, but the Owner’s saw that I was committed and arranged for me to take over on January 1st of 2015.

In that first year, we were – at times – down to one employee.  By 2016, I was ready to quit; But slowly we built a better clock, better outreach to our customers, and cut expenses.  My wife has said, ‘Patrick, I wanted to tell you how hard it going to be, but you wouldn’t hear it anyway!’   After Patrick had brought the digital clock to market, things have been better.

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