Emergency Communication (EmCOMM) is just one of many interests that is perfect for Ham Radio. DRC has been a part of EmCOMM for many years and today is no different. What is different these days is that there are other groups that focus entirely on EmCOMM and are only in existence because of EmCOMM. The group that DRC partners with is ARRL’s Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES). This year DRC and ARES R1D6 is planning shared activities around EmCOMM so stay tuned for those details. If you really want to get involved my best recommendation is finding the ARES group in your county, contact them and get involved, they will be excited to have you.
ARES Region 1 District 6 (R1D6) Jefferson – Gilpin – Cleer Creek Counties participates in emergency response activities with the state, the counties, and national exercises as well as real life event. During emergencies is not the time to learn how to communicate because it just doesn’t work. Please get a hold of R1D6 if you want to be a part of this effort along with DRC. I am a member of R1D6 and have been a member of several other ARES groups and its one of the best that actually has real radio activities almost every month. If you decide to join the group please let them know you are a DRC member. I’m always available for questions so please contact me for help [email protected].

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